anti social media tshirts for sale

The Anti Social Media Movement - End Addiction

The TechXperiment Has Failed. Let's Get Back To Normal Life.

  • Don't be a mindless #follower. End Your Addiction.

This is not a club, that would be oxymoronic. You can however pick up a nice DeVOLUTION T-Shirt to show your support.

Is there an Anti Social Media Movement? The answer is a very loud YES! We are a movement and we want to change the way people think about Social Media and Addiction. Show your support by rocking an Anti Social Media T-Shirt. The more people know about the problem the better because it is tearing our entire world apart and represents one of the top 3 dangers to the survival of the human race. Can you guess the other 2?
This is a very serious problem.
SharingISNOTcaring T-Shirt
In Stock:

SharingISNOTcaring T-Shirt

The TechXperiment has failed. Fight back, rock this shirt. Wear the only authentic Anti Social Media Movement t-shirt available anywhere at any price. NOT SHARING is actually caring.
De-Volution 2024 Tank Top
In Stock:

De-Volution 2024 Tank Top

Wear the only authentic Anti Social Media Movement Tank Top available anywhere at any price. At this point we're just de-volving. The TechXperiment has failed.
AntiSocialMEDIAmovement Shirt
In Stock:

AntiSocialMEDIAmovement Shirt

The official sign of the times is the NOT SHARING IS CARING logo. Get your Anti Social Media Movement shirt here, today! Let it be known which side of the fence you are on.

Social Media Addiction Testimonials

Social Media Addiction is a condition where one spends excessive amounts of time using social media platforms, at in some cases the detriment of ones own quality of life or that of others. People who suffer from this disorder often feel depressed and anxious and in some of the most extreme cases have become suicidal or psychotic. The Anti Social Media Movement is a group of people who have or are taking action to reduce the amount of time they spend online doing things that have no benefit to their actual quality of life.

Share your story if you have either left your social media addiction behind or are now managing your usage better. Grab a t-shirt, fill in the form below and maybe we will post your story too. Everything submitted to us is anonymized. Welcome to The Anti Social Media Movement. Here's your shirt.
recovering social media addict

Shelly N.

Shopped on 6/20/22

I'm no longer a FaceSpace clone (I'm a recovering social media addict) for a lot of reasons but the main one is that they caused my ex to go crazy and nearly got me. I'm rocking my new hoodie as a reminder, like AA, lol.

recovering social media addict. t-shirt buyer


Submitted form on 7/11/22

So this must be the start of this thing right? Do you ship to Sri-Lanka? I did not stop using meta yet but I have cut down a lot. I was spending money I don't have to get stuff I don't need to impress people I don't know.

recovering social media addict


Submitted form on 7/10/22

I like this page. I support you. Too many people are addicted and going insane from the constant pressure over something so stupid.

recovering social media addict

Alex F.

Submitted form on 8/3/24

I haven't used social media since last year and I am very satisfied and happy as a person. big tech and the new world order wants to censor people for their own freedoms and opinions especially on social media and ban them for saying their opinions and viewpoints. we live in a dystopian world where opinions online aren't respected anymore and the idea of first amendment free speech and freedom of press is punished and cancel cultured by social media. politics has become influenced by social media as well as misinformation. if you tell the truth, you are silenced according to the narrative by the new world order and big tech. social media is used to weaponize people through the use of bots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. also if you have a customer service issue, there is no person to speak to if any social media platforms have banned you without any reason. social media is the worst invention created by human society and it could destroy the fabric of society.

recovering social media addict

Name Withheld

Shopped on 6/29/22

I grew up online and the best thing to come from it was learning that people are very strange. I'm off to my home planet and don't use the Internet for anything besides work now. I had to learn the very hard way.

recovering social media addict

Jeff A.

Submitted form on

I literally used to be an online bully until it happened to me. I lost all respect for myself once I realized how I made others feel and its been hard trying to build myself back up and be a real person again but I'm taking it one day at a time and now I can go most of the day without taking selfies and acting like a total mindless idiot. I also save a lot more money by not buying useless crap because of the adds on fbook.

recovering social media addict

Mark P.

Shopped on 7/5/2022

Putting this into perspective is very helpful for me and seeing that I checked at least 5 of the symptoms did it. I just deleted my account and feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Wish me luck.

recovering social media addict


Shopped on 7/12/2022

I was just so sick of it all and then something came up at work and everyone jumped on me like they had been waiting for me to get in trouble so the management literally took their side because of some dumb post I made as a teenager. I wont say I learned the hard way but I got embarrassed at my job. That was enough to give it up once and for all.

person 9

Tim T.

Submitted form on 9/28/2022

One day I suddenly felt that social media was disgusting, full of all kinds of gossip, and the anonymity of the Internet wiped out the basic goodwill of many people as a person. What bothers me even more is that although I find it disgusting, I can't completely escape it because modern society has bound me to it. So from then on, I take a back seat and try not to use social media communication but to use email.

anti social media addiction testimonial
Anonymous Ex Addict
Submitted form on
I am a middle aged Canadian who has been addicted to social media since it was invented. The reason I quit is because life was passing me by because I spent every weekend and evening endlessly scrolling . Endlessly posting comment and then checking for likes. Endlessly shopping and buying crap I never used. What finally opened my eyes was having to donate huge amounts of clothes and stuff I ordered that sat unused for years. And the fact that I never left my apt unless I was going to work. Never met new people or tried new things. People say it is the new normal. It is not normal. I am 60 now and have zero activities or friends offline.


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How To Avoid Social Media Regrets

Social Media has changed the world. Thanks for visiting our online shop! Find what you're looking for yourself or get great gifts for your friends. You'll find fun merchandise below, featuring our message on t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, stickers, and more. Enjoy expressing yourself with these fun items and don't let $ocialMEDIA fry your brain. There is nothing wrong with being social online as long as you maintain your humanity. Social Media is the devil.

sharing Too Much

In a society where the number of judgemental narcissist increases daily, living for the likes or "doin it for da gram" is dangerous.

Feeding The machine

Repeating fictional bullshit espoused by your favorite politicians or celebrities leaves you without your own mindset.

stressing out

The man who popularized the hashtag got nothing for it. You wont either so stop stressing out about them.

seeding the cloud

Almost everything you have ever posted online is likely to remain available online and could be used against you later.

having no standards

Holding celebrities to one standard, politicians to another and yourself to yet a third is contradictory so throwing "shade" is not smart.

echo chambering Life

Hanging out online with followers only enforces useless programming. Having knowledge of the world, people and environment makes you useful.

"alien"-nating yourself

Avoiding real life 4-D interaction with other humans leaves you at risk of literally driving yourself crazy in a very short amount of time.

following trends

The more outlandish and trivial the trend, the more detrimental it is to follow. Be legitimate instead of "trendy".

The Top 20 Signs Of Social Media Addiction.

You can easily evaluate others but we suggest you take a look at yourself first.

1. Constantly checking a phone or other connected device in an effort to remain "in the know" and "connected". It has been proven in multiple studies that those who are constantly connected on Social Networks are much less informed than those who do not connect at all [] . It has also been proven under multiple studies that those who are addicted to Social Media "know" less in general because over 60% of content on social sites is opinionated commentary with low to no basis on facts or actual events.

2. Becoming more irritable more easily when offline. Dopamine withdrawal (caused by the lack of stimulation that some Social Media activity produces) is a sometimes serious condition requiring medical treatment [].

3. Sleeping less or losing sleep because of participation on Social Media platforms []. Addiction effects are similar across the spectrum of sufferers.

4. Neglecting appearance and hygiene in real life unless it's time to post a picture online. Studies show that those who try to live up-to the perceived expectations of a general populace that they have no actual 4 dimensional interactions with produces psychosis (disconnecting from reality), depression and feelings of loneliness in young adults [].

5. Abnormal eating habits based around easy and convenient foods that still allow Social Media interactions. Studies have shown that Social Media Addiction contributes to the epidemic of obesity and the promotion of unhealthy and dangerous body positivity for the morbidly obese and even anorexic [].

6. Violating the privacy or others by taking picture and shooting video and posting online without consent. Being present on someone else's private property generally requires the property owner's consent to take photos. Other violations of law may actually occur when violating the privacy of others without consent even in some public spaces.

7. Lying online to gain favor, likes or other types of virtual status. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is one of a number of serious mental problems associated with this behavior.

8. Pretending to be someone else or a better version of their true self. Studies have shown that the effort required to pretend to achieve or become is often more than that which would be required to actually attain authenticity.

9. Using stimulants like nicotine or drugs like alcohol to help them "relax" while online. This is simple drug use.

10. Cyber-Stalking people that no longer wish to maintain contact or relationships. Stalking is illegal in most countries.

11. Engaging in gossip or speaking negatively about strangers. Slander is illegal in most countries.

12. Elevating Politicians, Celebrities and "Influencers" above other people. Rankism in all its forms including reverse rankism is a psychological malady.

13. Frequenting Campfires (areas of the Internet) where only people who share the same ideas, beliefs and exhibit the same behaviors are. Studies show that conforming blindly and automatically accepting group thinking, saps autonomy and encourages abnormality. It is highly likely that these "silo's" are simply marshaling areas designed to allow the marketing to and manipulation of the trapped populations [].

14. Engaging in online "bullying" []. Bullying online is illegal in most places.

15. Losing interest in real things like work or school. Neglecting important areas of ones life have been proven to produce an abnormal or less than desired life experience with unwanted outcomes.

16. Cheating on a partner/spouse. Adultery can cause people much distress.

17. Repeating nonsense or espousing conspiracy theories. Psychosis is universally recognized as dangerous and until recently those who suffer from it were institutionalized in most places with that trend only changing due to the logistics involved with housing the rising numbers of psychotic individuals present in modern society.

18. Becoming delusional. Delusion can lead to unwanted consequences like loss of employment or family bonds.

19. Hearing voices or instructions from unknown sources like celebrities or politicians.

20. Becoming agoraphobic or avoiding real life interactions in preference to virtual ones. Agoraphobia is a mental and behavioral disorder, specifically an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape which may result in a panic attack.